Start with a free 15 minute consultation.

Go to Schedule A Free Consultation — BROOKE BUNDY DESIGNS

Click on the date and time that works for you.

A Zoom link will be emailed to you.

At the scheduled day and time, you’ll talk to Brooke on Zoom and tell her about your project, your goals, and the kind of help you’re looking for.

Following your appointment, if you’d like to move forward with services, you’ll do this:

Next, have a Design Consultation

You can book this with Brooke during your free consultation. 

This one-hour appointment can be done in-person or remotely, and it is a flat rate. The price is listed here under Design Consultation: Services — BROOKE BUNDY DESIGNS

I’ll (this is Joan) email you an invoice, and you can either use the link in my email to pay with your bank info, or you can Venmo the payment.  

Your payment will hold the appointment date and time you chose.

On the day of your appointment, have all of your questions ready, and have a notebook and pen with you to take notes.  You will get a lot of information and value!

You’ll walk Brooke through your house, ask her all your questions and get her advice.  She’ll give you solutions for any areas of concern you have, give you the information you need to avoid common and costly mistakes, and get you fully ready to either book additional services, or move forward with the ideas on your own.


How your interior design project will start


happy birthday to us!