Brooke Bundy Brooke Bundy

Does your partner question your interior design decisions?

Getting a professional’s feedback on your ideas and guidance for exactly how to execute them successfully will give your partner the reassurance that the design they are going to be living with (and possibly helping to pay for) has a designer’s stamp of approval.

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Brooke Bundy Brooke Bundy

overheard in the studio mcgee aisle at target

If you aren’t sure what kind of decor your house needs, this is just one of the many decisions we will make during a $350 interior design service where you walk me through your home to get all of my recommendations for it.

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Brooke Bundy Brooke Bundy

The best paint color for a bathroom

There is one paint color I recommend most to homeowners for their bathrooms because it is the most flattering when you are looking at yourself in the mirror.

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