“I can’t entertain in my house”
If your home makes entertaining a challenge, we can help!
There are a few key components that make a space comfortable for a crowd. They are:
Layout- How easy it is to navigate from room to room and from one area to another within a room. Also the directions people face when they sit down in the various seating options and how easy it is to move from one seating area to another.
Seating- How many people there are seats for and how many extra seats will fit. Also seating that works best for the type of entertaining you want to do and how people will be dressed.
Surfaces- A place within easy reach of every seat to set down a plate or cup.
Storage- A place dedicated to storing bags and coats.
Lighting- Every area that guests will go has adequate and flattering lighting.
Icebreakers- The areas people are mingling in have at least one item that is remarkable enough that it gives something easy to comment on.