Twin interior designers Frisco Texas

Brooke Bundy & Joan Elmore, before Brooke Bundy Designs

I completely remember this day! Brooke and I had just gotten new clothes and binders for school, and our mom took our picture before we headed out the door. We don’t look very enthused, but we were actually very excited about our new things! It was just too early in the morning.

Joan Elmore

I’m Brooke’s twin sister! I make sure our business runs efficiently, and in a way that best serves you. I have extensive experience in the construction industry, where I managed finances, personnel and operations. I love reading, writing and watching movies, and my favorite part of my home is the living room, because that’s where I relax. My goal when working with you is to make sure the parts of your project that could typically cause stress stay well managed so you can fully enjoy the interior design process.


Choosing lighting that coordinates without matching


Twin interior designers Frisco Texas